Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 10

I am now 10 days in to the whole foods thing, I have to say it's better than expected. I have found through help of friends, it's easier for me to drink the veggies than it is to eat them. The first thing out of my comfort zone was the green drink. The green drink consists of fresh spinach leaves, almond milk and banana. It is REALLY green! Tastes most like a banana. It took about 4 days to get past the mental game of what I was drinking and the color factor.

Then Alison suggested "juicing". Now I am having carrot and oranges juiced, together. It's not terrible, it's completely drinkable. Today I will be experimenting with carrots, beets and apples together. The fruit helps kill the taste of the veggies and as long as I balance the number of fruits to veggies, I'm good.

At this point I have lost another 3.2 pounds. I am now at a 38.2 pound loss. I have "outgrown" my jeans that I used to wear last year. The jeans that were to small last year have now been discarded due to the fact that they are too big. Jeans that I haven't worn for about 4 years because they were too small are not to far away from being discarded too. They are too big but not to the point of giving them up yet. Jeans that I bought at Thanksgiving are starting to get loose. I love this! I don't want to shop until at least spring. I don't want to waste money on something that hopefully won't fit to long. It's a good problem to have, I'm soooo not complaining :)

Hopefully the next 10 days will be just as good if not better!

1 comment:

Beth said...

That is AMAZING! Way to go :-D