Monday, September 29, 2008


Well I just realized that I was keeping track of my miles on Augusts calendar. The problem with this is that I thought I had more time than I do. The problem with this is that instead of 23.36 miles a week I need to walk 28.44 miles a week to achieve my goal. It's disheartening but I am still in it, I know I can do this.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

On Track

My goal for last week was to walk 23.36 miles, I walked 23.50 miles. So far I am on track. I have a heavy week with work this week so pray I get my 23.36 miles in! I only have 398.24 miles to go...woo hoo!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This Journey is My Own

As I was on the treadmill this morning listening to my Ipod, a song by Sara Groves came on. It's title, This Journey is My Own. Kind of like my walk with Jesus, this is my journey. One I have to be responsible for, no one else can do it. No one else can answer for me. I can take people alongside of me but when it comes down to it, it only matters that I choose to make the right choices. In my walk with Jesus the right choices are ones that bring me closer to Him and ones that honor Him with what He has asked of my life. This can be difficult. I have found doing the right thing is rarely easy however it is always worth doing. As far as my 500 mile journey, the right choice is to get on the treadmill. I know this is a journey that Jesus and I are taking together. I pray that I keep on it, I know He will.

To date I have walked 90.36 miles; 409.64 miles to go! I will be back at the gym later today to walk at least 2 more miles...just me and Jesus.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Can I Do It?

Earlier this year I kind of set a goal to walk 500 miles by the end of 2008. I was doing fantastic for a couple months. Then I kind of fell off the treadmill. I am back but I have done the math and found that I have to walk approximately 23.36 miles a week to achieve my goal. OH MY GOODNESS! To many that may not seem like much but to me it is almost overwhelming. I am going to give it my best shot. The worst that can happen is I don't make it. The best scenario is that I do. Either way I will know I tried.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back On...Hopefully to Stay

I was doing really well about walking several times a week then it felt like life kind of blew up when Bob's dad passed away. It's been back on track for some time now but I have still been off the treadmill. I finally made it back to the gym today and walked a couple of miles. It felt good to be back on track. Hopefully no more falling off the treadmill (figuratively of course). Looking forward to being back on tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Definitely Hard

I was most definitely right last week, being mom is hard. It seemed like some of my teens had lost their mind this weekend. I guess it was only one but originally it seemed that two had. Unfortunately for one, our anger from the others actions carried over to the other situation happening. Thank goodness that we have learned to never address a situation in the heat of anger. It took the entire day but at the end we did talk and gave the consequences for irresponsibility. We decided that with irresponsibility should come more responsibility. I guess we just keep praying that the foundation laid is not lost in the midst of whatever is going on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ever Have One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days that you feel like your emotions on right on the abloute very edge. They aren't out of control but if someone really took the time to dig past the outer shell you just might crack. They would definitely get more than they bargained for. It kind of feels like your heart is exposed and could either be gently held and nurtured or simply smashed. Today is one of those days.

Being Mom is Hard

Without trying I manage to make at least one of my children mad at me each day. It comes naturally. I don't have to try, it just happens. Simple things really, sometimes I have gone and done it and not even realized what I have done. Other times I know it's going to happen but for their sake and my sanity it must be done. It just really stinks being the bad guy sometimes. I just hope they realize what I do is done out of love.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

From Boy to Man or Should I Say Soldier

Well today I watched my nephew graduate from Army basic training. We, being his mom, sister, girlfriend, grandma, grandpa, brothers, and myself couldn't have been any more proud of him. There were a number of tears shed today. He has loved his Army experience so far and is looking forward to what his future holds. He will be headed off for AIT tomorrow (advanced individual training) for the next 7 weeks, then home for 2 weeks, off to Airborne school for 2 weeks and 4 days, then for Ranger training. He's excited! Better yet he's happy. As we were visiting with John a number of people he's been with the past 10 weeks came up to him, wished him well and one even thanked him. She introduce her son, who was about 4, to John as the man whom without she would have never qualified. She said he spent 4 hours with her helping her to qualify on arms. There was also a father and a daughter who both just graduated. They were in the same, unit/company. What an incredible experience to share with each other.

With 1100 graduating today, I am sure the stories were in abundance. I would have loved to have heard some of the stories but I am grateful for the one I do know. My nephew's. He was an extremely difficult child, I reminded him today of when he climbed up on his mothers kitchen counter and peed in the peanut butter (he didn't remember it but he did it). He drank bleach, never harmed him. He has been through a lot of hard situations. Some self imposed, some not. Now though, he seems like he has direction, a good direction, a positive future to head towards. He was strong willed as a child and now he is strong minded as a soldier. I am so proud of him!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can't Sleep

It's almost 5 a.m., I have been up since 3. Can't sleep, don't know why. Just sitting here thinking about the weekend, the highs and lows of it all.


New water heater installed
Door fixed
Kids covered work
Spending time with amazing friends
Spending time with my mother-in-law
Worked ND Volleyball (earn awesome freebies)
Started mudding in the dining room, 1st coat is on :)
Actually seeing and spending time with my hubby


Having to replace the water heater
Teenage drama...oh my goodness you have no idea...really, you have no idea

Well as I process this it is evident that the good out weighs the bad. I really did have a good weekend. Now it's almost time to get ready for the day. Work and then off to South Carolina for a few days. My nephew is graduating from basic training. He has made some very poor choices in the past, I keep praying that with this new venture in his life he will make far better choices. I love this guy...fortunately he knows Jesus so I know it's just a matter of time before he gets back on track...I hope he's there.