Monday, August 31, 2009

Sick :(

Inevitably every time I try to do good I get sick. I usually let it throw me off track, not this time. I have lost 10.5 pounds and plan on continuing to keep losing. This bug came on quick, I just hope it's not the swine flu...we will see how I feel tomorrow. As soon as the fever breaks and stays gone, back to the gym.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cool Website

So this isn't quite accurate...I had already lost 7.5 pounds before I found this website. It's pretty cool. First of all it's free, secondly it seems to be very helpful. Helps you to see how many calories, carbs, proteins, and fat grams you should be eating a day, with and without exercise to reach your goal. We shall see how it goes.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods