Well today I watched my nephew graduate from Army basic training. We, being his mom, sister, girlfriend, grandma, grandpa, brothers, and myself couldn't have been any more proud of him. There were a number of tears shed today. He has loved his Army experience so far and is looking forward to what his future holds. He will be headed off for AIT tomorrow (advanced individual training) for the next 7 weeks, then home for 2 weeks, off to Airborne school for 2 weeks and 4 days, then for Ranger training. He's excited! Better yet he's happy. As we were visiting with John a number of people he's been with the past 10 weeks came up to him, wished him well and one even thanked him. She introduce her son, who was about 4, to John as the man whom without she would have never qualified. She said he spent 4 hours with her helping her to qualify on arms. There was also a father and a daughter who both just graduated. They were in the same, unit/company. What an incredible experience to share with each other.
With 1100 graduating today, I am sure the stories were in abundance. I would have loved to have heard some of the stories but I am grateful for the one I do know. My nephew's. He was an extremely difficult child, I reminded him today of when he climbed up on his mothers kitchen counter and peed in the peanut butter (he didn't remember it but he did it). He drank bleach, never harmed him. He has been through a lot of hard situations. Some self imposed, some not. Now though, he seems like he has direction, a good direction, a positive future to head towards. He was strong willed as a child and now he is strong minded as a soldier. I am so proud of him!
Wait, you went to South Carolina and didn't call me. What's that all about :-) It's ok, all is forgiven. Love ya tons. Cool story about your nephew.
Next time...He will be in taking Airborne training at a fort not to far from Atlanta...if I head that way you know I will be by for a visit!
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