Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Year

I am believing that 2009 is going to be a great year! 2008 held a lot of sadness, sickness and hardship in our family. Not this year...I believe in speaking it into being. Our year has started off with a few ups and downs but all in all so far so good. God blessed us in a big way this week. We have been in limbo with our property taxes, as was everyone else in Indiana, but this week all is well. Last year our exemptions kicked in from when we purchased our house 2 years ago but due to the indecisiveness of our legislature to decide our tax rate our exemptions were put on hold and our taxes were doubled. Our house payment was increase dramatically to make up the "shortage" that was supposed to be there. We knew there would not be a shortage since our exemptions were to take effect, our mortgage company knew this as well but their hands were tied by the lack of action by the state. So for 5 months we have been paying way to much money for our home. Bob called our mortgage company right after Christmas in hopes of straightening things around. He found out that our property taxes went down $2400.00 a year! That is HUGE! This week we received a nice check from our mortgage company refunding us most of the extra money we had paid. After accessing our account online I found that our mortgage payment went down 280.00a month! It is now less that when we first closed on our house. Only God can do that! I truly expected this would take several more months to straighten out. I am so grateful I was wrong.

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