Tuesday, May 11, 2010


There are two big things happening this weekend that are soooo bittersweet. The first one planned is my niece graduating from college. I tear up just thinking about it. I was there in the room when she was born, it just doesn't seem like it was all that long ago. She is a beautiful young woman, inside and out, and has worked super hard to accomplish all she set out to do four years ago. I can't wait to celebrate this with her.

The second, which was just planned about 2 1/2 weeks ago, is my baby (18) is going to his Senior Prom. The sad part for me, besides the obvious, is that I am going to miss it. I will be in Missouri with my niece. I know there will be pictures but it is still sad that I will be missing out on such a huge event in Zach's life. He's pretty stinking amazing. He is definitely one of a kind. There are moments everyday that he drives me crazy but he is unique, gifted, strong in his faith, strong in who God has created him to be and would do anything for anyone. Simply said, I love him.

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