Saturday, June 21, 2008

Keeping the Order...Trying to Anyway...

I have a number of FANTASTIC friends, by them I am truly blessed. One of which, when I was new to Christ, became my first mentor (I have two). Her name is Ruth, she is amazing! One of the most important things she tried to instill is the order that God asks of us. God, family and ministry. Now I know that God is to be at the center of our lives and everything we think, say or do should stem from that but keeping the balance in day to day life can be quite challenging. Sometimes the lines blurr and we don't even realize it.
Our relationship with God is to be first. To spend time with Him, in prayer and in His Word developing the intimacy that we so need with the One who created us. How often do the needs of our children, spouses, parents, in-laws, siblings, etc., take over and we move God back to second place...then to third, possibly far do we keep pushing Him back? After all He'll understand, right?
Then there's the family. It seems like we should be able to hold that place, right? Well until we get so involved in doing ministry or whatever else that we become to busy doing to really devote the time and energy that they require. I am sorry to say that I know I have been involved in a number of conversations with my children or husband where I was not fully present. How much have I missed...I will never know. They'll understand, right?
Last but not least, ministry. We're doing God's work, what He's called us to do. What could be more important than advancing the Kingdom of God? So if we have to push our quiet time back to tomorrow or whenever we can fit it in, He'll understand, right? Or if we push our family's needs back another couple hours or days, depending on the urgency, they'll understand, right? After all we are doing God's work, that should take precedence, shouldn't it?
For me this is where the lines cross before I know it. Even though what I may be doing is good, is it really what God is wanting from me or is it what I want. The more I am able to consistently "keep the order" the closer I draw to God, to my family and to what He has in store for me. When the the order is kept, when the lines between my relationship with God, my family and my ministry are well defined, life is alot less blurry.

1 comment:

Judy Gregory said...

Love the Blog and Love the first entry. You are AMAZING! Love ya tons my friend.