Friday, March 6, 2009

I Knew Better

I typically do not watch rated R movies, PG-13 is usually my max rating. I went to see the Watchmen today. My guys wanted to see it and I thought it's probably R for the violence, thinking of the usual standard of comic book movies. Oh my goodness should I have checked this out more, totally "my bad" and I hate that phrase. It was long, boring, when something did happen it was horribly GROSS or sexual. I closed my eyes and covered my ears for numerous scenes. Whoever wrote, produced and directed this is obviously obsessed with violence and sex. They did use God's name a lot just not in a positive way, if you know what I mean. For a movie that used His name so much you think maybe, just maybe, you could have seen Him in it somewhere...but nope. In the very confusing beginning of the movie they have several famous scenes that they twist and if you aren't paying attention you miss it. The famous picture of the sailor kissing the girl...they have the girl, the sailor approaching, another girl steps in and she kisses the girl. Pretty much right after that they show a scene of these "watchmen" sitting at a table pictured like the picture of "The Last Supper". The one standing in the middle, like Jesus, was a pregnant woman. This was all in the first 5-7 minutes, I had the notion then that this was not going to be very good, I didn't listen to my gut, oh how I know better. I made it almost 2 hours into it and just couldn't take it anymore, I had to leave. I could care less how it ended and found that it took a good 2 hours to shake off such a horrible movie. I just know that I will never get those two hours of my life back and those images are now implanted in my head. Oh how I know better.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh goodness! I almost took Cory to see that movie. Thanks for the info; I had no idea :(