Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tomorrow's the First Day!

Tomorrow I start watching my grandchildren! Evan finally got a job, thank you Jesus! Amanda is in school so I get the kids! This is why I made such a change in my life, so I could be here for them. I can't say it's been an easy change because it hasn't been but I believe in the long run it will be worth it.

There are so many changes happening in my life, physical and emtional. God never ceases to amaze me, I have NEVER had the desire to run, walking has always suited me just fine. Now all of a sudden I have this urge to try running, so I did. Tuesday I went out for the first time. I walked and ran. I probably ran 1/3 of my route but it's way more than I ever have in the past. Tomorrow will be day number 2, hopefully it won't be raining (I still have no desire to run in the rain). Months ago when this journey started, as I would struggle with pushing myself on the treadmill, in my head I would keep saying, stronger...better, over and over again. I just wanted to be stronger, I just wanted to be better. I am totally getting there. I am stronger, not where I want to end but definitely stronger. I am better too. Better in the sense that I am refusing to let what I perceive to be my inabilities stand in the way of my ability. My perception is not always clear (go figure), I am glad God's is. I just need to keep leaning on Him.


Michelle Wegner said...

That's awesome! Keep running/walking. I'm so glad the weather is finally nicer. It's easier for me to get motivated. :)

Karen McFarland said...

Thanks Michelle! I am loving the better weather I just have the feeling we have not seen the end of the snow :( It is so much easier to be motivated at 55 degrees than 20!