Sunday, March 14, 2010

37 1/2 Inches

Yesterday after boot camp, which by the way totally kicked my butt this week, I got remeasured. I was first measured on January 5, 2010. It wasn't really my idea but Jenni and Lori both said I should, so I did. I didn't want to know the numbers, still don't. I was supposed to be remeasured on February 5th but for one reason or another it just kept getting postponed. I finally took the few extra minutes yesterday and did this. As you might guess from the title, I have lost 37 1/2 inches since January 5th. I still don't know what all the numbers are, still don't want to but I do know that I have lost over a yard of inches off of my body. I have also lost 4.5 percent of my body fat. Unfortunately I know what my body fat percentage is now, I inadvertently saw that number...ugh. Oh well, at least it's going down.

When I first started this journey back in August 2009, I refused to be measured. Part of me now wishes I had so I could see exactly how far I have come. I know I have gone down 4 sizes, 53 lbs, inches and inches, and percentages of body fat (that I will never know). The other part of me is still glad I didn't get measured, I don't know if my ego (what there is of it) could have taken the numbers. Eventually I will know the numbers and who knows MAYBE and I do mean MAYBE I will actually share them...doubt it :)


Judy Gregory said...

Friend, words cannot express how proud of you that I am. Way to go ... keep knocking it out of the park ... one day at a time. Love and miss you tons. Judy

Karen McFarland said...

Thanks Judy...Love and miss you!